Blog Writing with Thankful Cow Solutions
Finding the time, let alone energy and dedication, to write regular blog posts can be exhausting. Or if it’s not exhausting, maybe it’s just not your favourite thing to do. Totally understand that!! Keeping a blog updated would be such a chore for one half of the Cow (*cough* Thom *cough*). But for Amanda, it’s a breeze!
Let us write your regular blog content for you. We write in your voice and in your name.
All you need to do is think of what you want to talk about each month and let us know (unless we agree a content calendar). We can get set up with a Slack channel (or you can add Amanda to your existing one) or we can communicate over email. All of this will be agreed during our onboarding call.
Ready to outsource the words of your dreams?

Subjects of knowledge:
+ Tarot
+ Astrology
+ Healing
+ Meditation
+ Past Lives
+ Ritual & Ceremony
+ Spellcraft
+ Intuition
+ More

Health & Wellness
Subjects of Knowledge
+ Nutrition
+ Food & Recipes
+ Veganism & Plant-Based
+ Natural Health
+ Coffee
+ Movement & Exercise
+ Fitness
+ Meditation
+ More

Geek Culture
Subjects of Knowledge
+ PC Games
+ Nintendo Switch Games
+ Indie Games
+ Diversity & Representation
+ Pop Culture
+ Feminism
+ Game & Book Reviews
+ Fantasy & Science Fiction Books
+ More
One Blog Post
Per Month/One Off- 750 – 1000 word blog post
- Researched & Referenced (if applicable)
- SEO Keyword Weaving
- Blog Cover Image
- Social Media Copy x 2
- Uploaded & Scheduled on WordPress
- SEO Keyword Research
4 Blog Bundle
Per Month Retainer- 750 – 1000 word blog post
- Researched & Referenced (if applicable)
- SEO Keyword Weaving
- Blog Cover Image
- Social Media Copy x 2
- Uploaded & Scheduled on WordPress
- SEO Keyword Research
Bespoke Blog Package
Per Month- Strategy & Blog Planning
- 750 – 1000 Word Blog Post
- Longer Word Blog Post
- Researched & Referenced (if applicable)
- SEO Keyword Weaving
- Blog Cover Image
- Social Media Copy x 2
- Uploaded & Scheduled on WordPress
- SEO Keyword Research
- Newsletter Copy
- Newsletter Creation