Blog Writing: The Ultimate Pricing Guide

Blog Writing: The Ultimate Pricing Guide

Deciding how much to charge for anything, let alone blog writing, can be a freelancer’s nightmare. Honestly, it’s a difficult decision to make. You don’t want to price yourself out of a highly competitive market, but on the reverse of that, you...
Why You Should Start a Business Podcast

Why You Should Start a Business Podcast

Starting a business podcast is a great way to promote and grow your business.  A Business podcast really does compliment your business. Your current audience will learn more about what your business is, who you are, and how, together, you can help them achieve...
5 Tips When Starting a Niche Podcast

5 Tips When Starting a Niche Podcast

So you want to start a podcast? Congratulations! Deciding to start a podcast is an awesome step to talk about your passions. But I know all too well… To hit “publish” on your very first podcast is both exciting and a bit scary! You’re putting your voice out...
5 Tools for Workflow Acceleration

5 Tools for Workflow Acceleration

We’ve been in total workflow with the state of our business lately. Yes, part of it is to do with our mindset. When we have the work/life balance nailed down, work becomes so much more, well, easy and enjoyable. And isn’t that was the freelance life is all about? But...
Level Up Your Business With Content Marketing

Level Up Your Business With Content Marketing

Content marketing is important. You know that it is, but do you know why? Imagine that you go to someone’s website or social media and there’s nothing but pictures. Not pictures and words, just pictures. Their entire public communication consisted solely of images....
How to Meal Prep to Boost Productivity

How to Meal Prep to Boost Productivity

4 Reasons Why Meal Prepping Boosts Productivity! It’s possible to boost productivity by meal prepping – crazy, right? There seems to be a weird vibe around the concept of meal prepping. So many people think it’s just for people who are either A) trying to...